


☑️The new shower curtain that you’ve been meaning to hang

☑️The replacement battery that needs to go in the smoke detector

☑️The medical bill sitting on the counter for the past month that you’ve been meaning to pay

☑️The low tire pressure indicator in your car that you’ve been meaning to address

These are all examples of tolerations, i.e. the things we’re tolerating — from the tiniest to the most fundamental.

Stress Less, Live More with Courtney Elmer

Stress Less, Live More with Courtney Elmer

Of all the things we want less of in our lives, most of us would put stress at the top of that list. Less stressing means more living, right?

Our guest this week, Courtney Elmer, learned that lesson the hard way when she was diagnosed with cancer at age 25. Since then, she’s made it her mission to bring more life into her life and those of the people she coaches. As an Empowerment Speaker and Stress Coach, Courtney shows us how to pinpoint and eliminate the underlying causes of stress and overwhelm so we can live more vibrant, fulfilling lives.