A Mother’s Day Conversation with the Fam

This episode marks a first here at Middle Finger to Perfection.

Not only are we celebrating Mother’s Day, but after nearly 120 episodes, we are bringing you our very first in a new series of listener conversations.

We are joined today by Melissa Pierson, a long-time Eff Perfect fam member who reached out to talk with us about perfectionism and motherhood and how not to pass down toxic perfectionism to our kids.

It’s a deep and heartfelt conversation, and we can’t wait to bring you more like it featuring you and your fellow fam members.

A Mother’s Day Conversation with the Fam - Middle Finger To Perfection podcast - Eff Perfect


  • What happens at the intersection of perfectionism and motherhood

  • The delayed feedback loop of parenting

  • Why motherhood can be a vehicle for challenging and releasing perfectionism

  • Spouses and partners as accountabilibuddies

  • How to not pass our perfectionism on to our kids


Kathy Frogosa of Frogosa’s Elite Solutions

Ashley’s Happy As F*ck Journal Prompt Deck

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And because we’re in this together, be sure to take the Eff Perfect Pledge.