You Are Your Best Investment

Choosing to invest in ourselves is never a simple process for us recovering perfectionists and people pleasers – even though investments in self and self-care don’t have to involve spending any money.

Investing in ourselves can often feel selfish and trigger discomfort, fear, and scarcity due, in part, to the relevant cultural and familial messages we’ve internalized over time.

Nonetheless, it is essential to invest in ourselves, and there is a way to know when it’s time to do so.

Pop in your earbuds now to find out how to invest in yourself without all the angst.


  • The types of investments we can make in ourselves – besides time and money

  • Cultural and familial beliefs about investment

  • How to know when it’s time to invest in yourself

  • Thoughts, emotions, and sensations around investing in ourselves

  • The parts of our lives in need of the biggest investments right now


Ashley’s Find Your Purpose and Create your Dream Life Workshop Series on Insight Timer - Use code DREAM25 to save 25%.

The Quantum Coaching Academy (QCA) with, Ashley Gordon

Ashley’s Awaken Your Joy Journal Prompt Deck

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