The B Word

Thereโ€™s a certain B word that you can say in front of kids, nuns, and on TV but makes perfectionists and people pleasers run screaming. What is this panic-inducing B word, you ask?

Boundaries. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

Personal boundaries are complicated and messy for so many of us, but theyโ€™re a special kind of hell for us recovering perfectionists and people pleasers. We often come across as unclear, wishy-washy, a little too aggressive, or wind up feeling resentful if we donโ€™t speak up when our boundaries are violated.

Today, Ashley and I shine some light into the murky depths of personal boundaries as we figure out how to practice better boundaries and feel better about them along the way.

MFTP Episode 33: The B Word


Our ability to set boundaries is directly tied to
our sense of worth and value as people.
— Jenna
The less that we value ourselves,
the less facility we have with boundaries.
The more we value our own worth,
the more weโ€™re able to set clear boundaries.
The more worthy and secure we feel in setting our own boundaries,
the more weโ€™re able to respect and honor the values of others.
— Jenna
When we set boundaries,
we give other people permission to set boundaries, too.
— Ashley
Setting boundaries isnโ€™t selfish,
and itโ€™s not an act of aggression or injury.
— Jenna


  • Implicit and explicit factors that influence our personal boundaries

  • How boundary violations affect our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations

  • The correlation between boundaries and self-worth

  • Why personal boundaries arenโ€™t always personal

  • How to practice better boundaries

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