Dream Bigger

As recovering perfectionists, we’re so easily tempted by endless dreaming and scheming only to come up with every excuse not to take action. 

‘My dream is too big. It’ll take too much time, too much work, too much money. I have no idea how to make it happen, and look at all the other people out there who are already doing it better than I ever could.’

If you’ve got a big, scary, exciting dream that’s been sitting on a shelf, now’s the time to pick it up, dust it off, and make it happen. No more thinking + planning. It’s time for doing. In this episode, we get into why we know you can do it and how we’ve got your back.

MFTP Episode 27: Dream Bigger


The size of our dreams is tied into how worthy we’re feeling.
— Jenna
If we’re willing to hold ourselves back from dreaming and pursuing our dreams, what are we not willing to hold ourselves back from?
— Jenna
When we hold onto the fallacy of having to know all the steps in advance, then we guarantee that we’re not going to take any steps toward our dreams, big or small.
— Jenna


  • The relationships between dreams, self-worth, and self-confidence

  • The most common barriers to pursuing our dreams

  • Why uncertainty, comparison, and going it alone are such huge dream crushers

  • Our big dreams for ourselves + the Eff Perfect fam

  • The transformative power of expressing our dreams out loud and allowing others to witness them


The Big Leap book by Gay Hendricks

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