
Expectation Clashes

Expectation Clashes

With increased family and social time on the horizon for so many of us, we’re more than likely to run into an unexpected clash or two.

Clashes about menus or plans or politics, even.

But there’s another kind of clash we’re likely to face…

The dreaded expectations clash, i.e. when what we want for ourselves clashes with the expectations others have for us, like our family, loved ones, friends, etc.

Expectation Hangover

Expectation Hangover

Productivity, income, career, weight + body shape, relationships… We perfectionists and recovering perfectionists are pros at setting unrealistically high expectations for ourselves and others in each of those areas and more. Living with high expectations is practically a perfectionist superpower. Whether applied to ourselves or those around us, our over the top expectations inevitably lead to disappointment, judgment, criticism, and anger. These expectations can cut down our self-esteem and self-worth, sabotage our relationships, and stand in the way of getting what we truly want.